Case Study Of

ReFree Website Project

ReFree website enables the user to give, get or trade FREE stuff. It includes furniture, jewelry, books and another home décor. The website is intended to offer a better life along with environment-friendly stuff.

Project Abstract

The prime aim of the ReFree website is to offer FREE stuff trade. It is made to be used locally and at the national level. Using ReFree, the user can give and get everything for Free. It includes home décor, furniture, jewelry and books. The Credit offer is one of the best features of this website. The user will be eligible to earn more rewards with more posts. The website seve for better living and environment friendly concepts

More Details

Category: Lifestyle

Platform: Android and iPhone/iPad

Language support: English

Technology used: Laravel for backend and Angular for frontend>

About The Clients Requirement

The client’s requirement was to make this website super friendly for the user. The integration of great graphics was also on demand. Also, he wants the website covering all the essential features for the user. The website’s vision was to make all information available to the user on finger tips. It was the client’s dream to offer a platform where users can get or give FREE stuff.

Our Challenges

Our website developer’s team met many challenges. However, we decided to overcome them. Some of the issues are as follows

Solution We Provide

Our website developer team offers the ultimate solution. The team’s core focus was on client expectations and maximum user benefit.

The sign-up option enables you to add details and make an account.
The profile option saves all the details. Users can edit any information.
Search in offers
The search bar will enable you to search for the offers.
Post an offer
An easy way to post about unwanted old stuff. A user can add all the details like photo, title, category, description and location.
List a wish
This option is to make a wish for the stuff. The user can demand for the stuff with all the details.

The setting option gives a way to set the various measures.
This option is an in-app message for conversation. The user could connect without giving out private contact information.
Social media links
Through these links it is easy for the user to switch to social media. A user can share the post on them.

The website is enriched with eye-catchy graphics and an easy user interface. Our UI/UX developer team also put their efforts to make this website wonderful.

Final Outcome

ReFree website offers a unique solution of FREE trading. A user could easily fetch or post the details of the stuff. Our website developers put all the effort into making this website meet clients’ expectations. The incorporation of the latest technologies makes this website highly efficient and user-friendly.


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