Fetch API is About to Advancing NodeJS Soon:

The Fetch API is about to roll out in the industry. Its presence will give a new era to interactive web pages. The team has already pushed the request. 

The Node.js core team has finally set a mind to introduce it to the node. It will be a big deal, and its introduction will be a bit beneficial in Node.js development. 

Fetch API in node

Fetch API Introduction:

The Fetch API was introduced as a modern successor to XMLHttpRequest. Later on, it became the de facto standard for making asynchronous calls in web applications. It allows for a simpler and cleaner API and keeps the callback away.

Due to some limitations, the Nodejs fetch API was not included in the Node.js core. The browser Fetch development is dependent on the browser-based Web Streams API. Therefore, it was not easy to justify the Fetch integration with nodejs. 

There was the request module needed to make the HTTP request in Node. Later on, the JavaScript ecosystem introduced patterns that made requests obsolete. 


Undici was introduced in the year 2018. It was an HTTP/1.1 client for Node.js with a faster approach with pooling and pipelining support. The fetch () development in Node.js was possible with a lot of hard work.

How to use Fetch?

The Fetch API is offering a high-level function. Also, it promises to resolve the response well. 

  .then((response) => {
    // Do something with response
  .catch(function (err) {
    console.log("Unable to fetch -", err);

You can change the fetch process carried out by appending an options object.

What are the benefits of utilizing Fetch API in Node.js?

Cross-platform familiarity:

The developers feel right at home using fetch API in nodejs It will be simple and intuitive instead of external package use. This will help in achieving the same functionality in the node.

No extra fetch package:

The inbuilt fetch for node.js might be unfit for packages like got, node-fetch, cross-fetch and many more. It means no need for npm install before doing network operations in the Node.

The node-fetch is a popular fetch package for Node.js, and it was switched to ESM. It means you are not allowed to import it with the Node require () function. Now professionals will feel more natural and smoother with native Fetch API.

Quick development:

The new Fetch development is based on the Undici. It is a reliable, fast and spec-compliant HTTP client for Node.js. Therefore, you can expect good performance from the Fetch API nodejs.

What are the drawbacks of utilizing Fetch API in Node.js?

Setting timeouts:

It is strenuous to achieve setting timeouts to cancel a particular request.

Error handling:

In the fetch api data in node js the fetch performance is poor in error management. For the actual errors, only network faults are considered. The fetch will only reject the promise when the user is disconnected from the internet.

No request progress:

There is no method to easily monitor request progress in the fetch. However, Axios libraries handle it carefully.

Can you use Fetch in Node.js now?

Are you interested in using Node.js? Initially, you need to download and upgrade your Node.js version to 17.5. The other alternative method is the nvm used to update directly from the command line.

nvm install 17.5

By adding the –experimental-fetch parameter with node command you can run fetch-related code. 

Node app.js –experimental-fetch


There is excitement in the Fetch API that is finally coming to the Node.js core. We have covered all the crucial concepts for Node.js. It was high in demand among the developer community. This is how the fetch will finally come to Node.js with many advancements. For now, we can hope for productivity growth and excellent results in website development.

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