Flutter 3 release: Check out what’s new in Flutter?

Google is consistently making improvements in a flutter. Now it is one of the most dynamic cross-platform development toolkits. Recently it has revealed new update known as Flutter 3. There are many advantages announced for the developers while releasing this new flutter update.

Here in this blog we will cover all those updates and let you know the major changes introduced.

Brief introduction about Flutter:

Google Flutter is known as Google’s mobile app SDK that deliver superior native experiences on iOS and Android platforms. It also provides features like material design language and dynamic gestures to offer intuitive UIs.

The team of Google has constantly provided the refinements and functionalities to provide the extensive range of opportunities. It helps in making better Flutter app development.


Some of the Googles Flutter 3 Features:

Stable Linux and MacOS Support:

There was support for Windows and Web platforms in flutter 2.0. Now, there will be support for Linux apps and MacOS in the latest flutter 3 version. Developers can use a single codebase for building an app.

It supports the universal binary and MacOS. There is a format for practical files that executes natively on Apple Silicon and Mac Computers.

Developers can grab the cross-platform perks in Flutter 3.0. There will be an improvement in the developer’s productivity.

Firebase Integration:

Google’s Firebase is a BaaS i.e. Backend as a Service. It offers hosted backend services and also supports Flutter.

Now in the Flutter 3 update, there is an extension in the Firebase support. It incorporated Flutter as a first-class integration.  Here programmer will support the improved documentation, and exceptional widgets like FlutterFire UI.

Support for the material you:

Material You is defined as a unified design language of Google. It is a new revolutionary approach to thinking about design. It focuses on individualisation and goes out of the old-school paradigm.

The latest update of material design is Material Design 3 which adds personalisation.  Now programmers can hold on to Material Design 3. It provides dynamic color schemes and updated visual elements. This is also another update in the flutter latest version.

The Material 3 widgets in Flutter have highlighted features:

  • New buttons
  • Adaptive colours
  • New app menu
  • Variable font support
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Variable Refresh Rate Support on iOS:

Using ProMotion displays the framework now helps with the variable refresh rate on different iOS devices.

Now, the flutter-based applications can perform at the refresh rate of 120 Hz on iPad Pro and iPhone 13. Earlier, it was limited to 60 Hz. There is a flawless experience due to the fast animations. The main credit goes to Flutter 3.

Deprecating Windows 7/8 for development:

Microsoft is not supporting the old Windows versions anymore. The Flutter framework is now offering restricted testing on the older versions. The flutter community also supports flutter apps running on Windows 7 and 8.

Web App Lifecycle:

In the Flutter 3 version, the flutter web apps get a new lifecycle API. It also helps developers to manage the app’s bootstrap process. It is implemented in the following cases:

  • A loading indicator
  • A splash screen
  • HTML landing page is shown prior to Flutter App

Dart 2.17:

Flutter framework is highly productive and empowered by the multi-platform. The latest version of Dart is 2.17 emerged at Google I/O 2022.

  • Flexibility is better for the named parameter
  • There is an in-depth and broader platform integration
  • Forwarding of the better parameter to the superclass
  • Updating the core Library API documentation

Flutter DevTools:

Flutter DevTools is an incredible expansion to flutter. It assists with troubleshooting any Flutter app. There are some updates in the Flutter DevTools 2.12.2.

  • Network tab improvement.
  • Enhancing tracing under the performance tab.
  • To keep the track of change notifier there is a dedicated plugin.

Foldable Phone Support:

The Flutter 3 is supporting for the foldable mobile device. Its new widgets and features allow you to create great experiences on the foldable devices.

There is a list of DisplayFeatures in the MediaQuery. It describes the bound and states of device elements like folds, hinges and cutouts.

The DisplayFeatureSubScreen widget is now positions its child widget with no overlapping the bounds of DisplayFeature. This has been integrated with the Frameworks default dialogs and pop-ups.

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Simplified iOS Release:

This is one another update in the flutter version. There is a new option to the flutter build IPA command. It will simplify the releasing your iOS app. Run the flutter build IPA to build an Xcode archive whenever you are ready to distribute to TestFlight. Optionally, you can add –export-method ad-hoc, –export-method development, or –export-method enterprise. Upload the app bundle to Apple through the Apple Transport macOS app. Or you can do it on the command line using xcrun altool.

The app is available to TestFlight or the App Store. You no longer need to open Xcode to release your application after setting up your initial Xcode project settings.

Image decoding:

Automatically flutter web detect and use the ImageDecoder API in the browser. Most of the Chromium based browsers have added this API. The new API decodes the images asynchronously with the use of browsers built in image codecs.


Flutter 3 is an open source so everyone can contributes to its development. There is need of an ideal partner to avail the effective use of flutter. Famous brands are adopting the latest version of flutter due to its suitability for the prominent platforms.

The latest version will help flutter developer to build leading-edge apps for any users.