Google Flutter 2.10 is Out: Get to Know its Exiting Features:

Flutter is a famous open-source framework of Google. It’s a powerful tool to implement beautiful and natively compiled apps. To enhance working, the Google Flutter 2.10 has been introduced now.

The use of Flutter is not limited to one scope. The flutter developers build iOS, Android, Linux, MacOS from one single codebase.

Google Flutter 2.10 image

Now, the company has introduced a new version with a rich revamp concept. It includes icon and color support, performance upgrade and windows support.

Let’s check out its new features in detail:

What are Google Flutter 2.10 New Features?

Performance enhancement:

Flutter will support dirty region management provided by Flutter community member knop. It will enable partial repaints for the single dirty region on iOS/Metal.

As a result, there will be 90th and 99th percentile rasterization times on a few benchmarks by magnitude order. The GPU utilization on these benchmarks will reduce from more than 90% to less than 10%.

There was an internal picture recording format in the Flutter 2.8 release. But the company will optimize the same in the new release of flutter.

Windows will be available for production apps::

The Flutter latest will give a stable release for windows support. Therefore, you don’t need to roll over to get the functionality to generate a Windows app on flutters stable channel.

Flutter windows

The version will include significant enhancement to text handling and keyboard shortcuts. There is support for command-line arguments.

iOS updates:

The company has integrated some platform-specific features. Among them, smoother keyboard animation in iOS is one. It provides automatically to the app with no effort. The camera plugin stability for iOS has also been refined.

Also, Google Flutter 2.10, there fixing of few edge case crashes. It refines the camera plugin stability for iOS.

Android update:

There is much advancement for Android in the flutter new version. Automatically, it supports version 12, the most recent version.

For all the common issues, the flutter tool now suggests resolution steps.

The company is now caring for every feedback related to your issues. The flutter tool now suggests resolution steps to common problems.

Flutter DevTools:

The company has also considered FlutterDevTools in the Google Flutter 2.10. Now you can easily use dart devtools and grab the latest version.

It means the pub global activate is no more need for the same purpose.

Improvement in VSCode:

They have made several improvements in the visual studio code extension for Flutter. It includes the colour previews and colour picker.    

Add the uses-permission element under manifest. This should be done in the AndroidManifest.xml file.

Dev Channel Removing:

The removal of the dev channel was the part of Flutter 2.8 release. The good news is that it has been completed in this new release.

This includes

  • Deprecation policy update
  • Dev channel removal from DartPad, website and Pre-submit test.
  • Updated and wiki and Flutter tool

Material 3:

The release marks the start of the Material 3 transition. This possesses the ability to generate an entire colour scheme from a single seed colour.

You can construct an instance of the new ColorScheme type with any colour.

In the flutter latest version, you can also generate the theme’s color scheme. The new colorSchemeSeed parameter to the ThemeData factory constructor is handy for it.

There is ThemeData.useMaterial3 flag. This will transfer components to the new Material 3 look.

The 1,028 Material icons have been also added.

Web Updates:

The release of the latest version of flutter also gives web improvements. Previously, it wouldn’t scroll properly on scrolling to the multi-line TextField edge.

Now there is edge scrolling for text selection. The field scrolls to view the scroll extent when the selection moves outside of the text field.

Integration testing refinement:

Now you can do end to end testing using the integration test package. It also replaces the flutter_driver package as a recommended way to perform integration testing. Firebase Test Lab support and web support are some new features here.

They update samples, existing docs and codelabs for the integration_test.

Don’t miss these more updates:

  • Smoother keyboard animations will be part and featured for iOS.
  • Its 64-bit iOS architecture consumes compressed pointers. It will reduce memory usage.
  • Support for inspecting large maps and list in the debugger variable pane.
  • It has enabled Multidex support automatically.


Google Flutter 2.10 has brought a new update to enhance the working. No doubt, new features will give a new success path to the flutter development. Enhance your working with these additive conceptions.

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