Impact of Progressive Web Apps on Mobile App Development

The popularity of Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) has been increasing now. It combines the best features of both mobile applications and web. It combines the best features of mobile applications and web.

Here in this blog, we will explore more about progressive web applications and their benefits. Let’s first understand what is Progressive Web Application?

What are Progressive Web Apps?

A Progressive Web App is an application that is built on web platform technologies. Still, it provides platform-specific apps like user experience. PWA could be run on different devices and platforms using a single codebase. This could operate offline and can be integrated with other installed apps.

One of the most interesting features of PWA is its operating offline. It means, there is no requirement of internet connectivity. A Progressive Web Application seamlessly blends the aesthetics and functionality of a mobile app. It always maintains the convenience of developing a website.

How Progressive Web Application work?

Service worker:

The service worker is a piece of JavaScript code that runs in the background. It pre-cache the page resources that results in fast web page loading. 

The service worker caches the critical assets whenever the user visits the website for the first time. As a result, whenever the user visits again, there is no need to make API calls to the backend as frequently.

Web manifest:

The web manifest is a JSON file that defines the look and feel of an application during installation. It is used to customize the home screen icon look. It also includes metadata like app name, description and version.

Transport Security Layer (TLS)

Progressive web apps always communicate over HTTPS using an SSL certificate. The certificate creates a secure and encrypted connection between the frontend app and the backend server. Secure data transfer exists whenever a web app interacts with the backend system. It is essential to handle highly confidential information.

benefits of progressive web app development

Benefits of Progressive Web Apps

Offline Functionality:

PWAs can work in low quality networks or offline when there is no network connection. PWA always uses a script named service workers that runs in the background. It is always separate from web page and manages caching for faster loading.

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No installation required:

PWA does not require downloading and installation. Hence, it increases the potential user base and also has a positive impact on the user acquisition funnel.

Good performance:

PWAs are faster and more efficient compared to traditional mobile applications. The loading time is less which enhances the user experience and higher conversions.

Advantages of PWA for businesses:

Fast installation:

There are no long and complex installation processes in PWA. Users could download the app directly from the device instead of navigating to the App Store or Google Play Store.

Better performance:

PWAs cache and deliver text and other content. It enables them to act like a website. Impeccable performance and quick operation are other attributes that improve the user experience.

No updates issues:

PWAs update automatically thanks to their specific functionality. There is no user notification or permission request. Whenever users visit them, these apps update themselves automatically.

No dependence on App Distribution Services:

App distribution services like Google Play Store, App Store and Microsoft Store set high software requirements in their databases. The services remove applications from the database. PWAs always allow complex reconciliation procedures.

Enhanced security:

PWAs do not need different versions for different devices. A single progressive app could meet all endpoint requirements. Significantly, it reduces developers’ effort. Hence, the cost to develop PWA decreases.

Low development costs:

PWAs do not need different versions for different devices. A single progressive app could meet all endpoint requirements. Significantly, it reduces the amount of effort put into the development process. Hence, the cost to develop PWA decreases.

Some brands which opted for PWA:

Uber: Uber’s PWA takes less than 2 seconds to load on the 2G network. This refines the user experience even at snail speeds. 

Pinterest: Pinterest is another brand that uses PWA. There is a 44% increase in user-generated ad revenue along with a 60% increase in core engagement. 

Starbucks: Daily active users increased twice after adopting PWA at Starbucks. This allows orders to be processed equally on desktops and mobiles.

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Future Trends in PWAs

AI and ML based PWAs: A predictive analytics for business and personalized user experiences is possible. This is mainly achieved with the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). 

Advance technologies integration: In the coming time, the future PWAs will tend to integrate with cutting-edge technologies like Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Internet of Things. This will give an engaging and immersive user experience. 

Security Feature: The PWA will like to integrate robust security features to safeguard the sensitive data. It will integrate with more security concepts in the coming time.


Progressive Web Apps represent a transformative advancement in web development. It is also useful for merging the advantages of both traditional websites and native apps. Adopting Progressive Web Applications gives true benefits to users, developers, and businesses.