Top PHP Frameworks That a Web Developer Should Consider in 2021

Looking for the finest PHP framework for web development in 2021?

Then you’ve reached the right place. PHP is one of the most widely used programming languages for building websites and apps. Although the language is considered to be extremely reliable and secure, it has undergone several changes since its development. However, as time has passed, the complexity of websites has risen enormously. To develop websites, developers have to write thousands of lines of code, which is a time-consuming and laborious process. Moreover, developers have to begin every project from scratch. This is where PHP frameworks come into the picture.

In this article, we’ll go through the finest PHP frameworks and evaluate their key benefits and drawbacks. By the end of this article, you’ll be aware of which PHP frameworks can meet your specific web development requirements.

What is PHP Framework?

A PHP framework is a platform for developing PHP-based web applications. It includes code libraries for widely used functions, reducing the amount of unique code required. In addition, PHP Framework provides a fundamental structure for web app development that simplifies and speeds up the development process. Above all, the responsiveness of websites and apps developed using PHP frameworks assists enterprises in meeting their performance requirements.

Advantages of Using PHP Framework

1) Speed up the custom web development

PHP Frameworks make it considerably easier to build a small or medium-sized program than if you had to code everything from scratch. If you’re in a hurry, Framework will assist you in completing tasks before the time limit expires.

2) No need to write additional code

Unlike other programming languages, PHP does not allow programmers to convey concepts through fewer lines of code. As a result, PHP programmers write lengthy and complex code when adding features or functionality to a website. By providing a code-generating feature, PHP frameworks significantly reduce coding time. Specific PHP frameworks include code generation tools that allow programmers to keep web application source code clean and accessible.

3) Security

PHP is often considered one of the most insecure programming languages. Usually, programmers have to investigate strategies to secure PHP applications from various security threats. The PHP framework’s built-in security features and processes make it easier for developers to secure their websites from current and upcoming security threats. SQL injections, cross-site request forgery, and data tampering are basic security threats that PHP web developers can easily avoid.

4) Testing

It is simple to test PHP-based web applications. PHP unit testing allows you to test your code quickly and easily. It also aids programmers in the development of test cases and the efficient execution of testing. Developers of PHP-based web apps do not need to write any additional code. PHP frameworks aid in the automation of various tasks.

Top 5 PHP Frameworks That a Web Developer Should Consider in 2021

1) Laravel

Laravel PHP Framework
Laravel is the most widely used PHP framework Taylor Otwell first launched it in 2011 and it has evolved to be a robust framework with hundreds of contributors and millions of installations. It is built on MVC architecture and uses its templating language, Blade, to simplify HTML layouts. Laravel utilizes Eloquent ORM to access databases, which are simple to understand and use. Eloquent ORM is an object-relational mapper that enables you to define models and relationships in PHP before having them translated and implemented in SQL. This makes your code clean and accessible while also allowing you to swap databases quickly.



2) Symfony

Symfony PHP Framework

Symfony Framework is a comprehensive PHP framework, and it is the only Framework that entirely adheres to PHP and web standards. Popular content management systems such as Drupal, OroCRM, and PHP Bulletin Board make use of Symfony components (PHPBB). Many developers prefer Symphony because it has reusable libraries and components that can perform various tasks such as authentication, templating, object setup, and more. When it comes to large-scale corporate projects, Symfony emerges as the clear winner among PHP frameworks.



3) CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter PHP Framework

CodeIgniter is a lightweight framework known for its tiny footprint and simple installation with few configuration requirements. You may describe it as a basic yet robust PHP Framework. It is ideal for developing dynamic websites since it has numerous pre-built modules that aid in creating robust and reusable components. CodeIgniter has several excellent characteristics, including simple encryption steps, security, quick error handling, and a minimal PHP adoption struggle. This PHP framework is quite extensively documented, making it an ideal choice for beginners.



4) Cake PHP

CakePHP Image

Cake PHP is one of the most widely used frameworks. It is a common choice for modern business applications since it has advanced security features such as SQL injection prevention, cross-site scripting protection, and many more. CakePHP combines reliability, speed, and security. To stay up with the latest technology, it has excellent community support from developers worldwide. The most recent version offers improvements to modularity and the ability to build independent libraries.



5) Yii

Yii is an open-source framework for creating PHP-based applications. It is built on the OOP and MVC frameworks, and it reduces overhead by focusing on essential functions. Yii is ideal for large-scale website development since it integrates well with jQuery and AJAX. It also contains Gii, a powerful class code generator.

Gii’s purpose is to make object-oriented programming and fast prototyping easier by providing a web-based interface that assists the programmer in interactively generating the necessary code. Other benefits include a quick development time, the availability of different security packages, and configuration sets for speeding up the process.



The Final Takeaway

By reading the above article, I hope you are well aware of the fundamental differences of all major PHP frameworks. Selecting a framework is a difficult decision that will need time, study, and effort. So before deciding on a framework, you should thoroughly examine your project needs. All PHP frameworks are similar in certain ways, but they differ in terms of performance, security, advanced capabilities, and community support.

We are always here to assist you to make the right decision for your project needs. Contact Latitude Technolabs, discuss your requirements, and let us help you make the best choice.

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