What is React Design Pattern and why is it important?

The use of effective design patterns is not only integral when partnered with an active developer community and an outstanding web framework, but it is also vital for optimizing performance on the web. In this regard, React stands out by effortlessly fulfilling all the necessary criteria. Additionally, engaging the services of a Reactjs development company enhances your capabilities.

The amazing features of React, such as live reloading, reusable components, hot reloading, etc., make it a persuasive choice. Leveraging this platform to its most significant potential becomes instrumental in firmly establishing your business.

Interested? Let’s delve into the realm of Reactjs design patterns and gain complete insights. Latitude Technolabs, – A Reactjs development company, can help with it in the most feasible ways.

React Design Pattern

What are React Design Patterns?

Design Patterns function as pre-built templates, assisting in efficiently creating websites and mobile applications. They symbolize proven solutions for tackling common application difficulties and defeating development challenges.

Within React, these design patterns are critical in ensuring systematic and reusable code. This, in turn, provides quickened development, consistent design, and reduced errors, eventually strengthening the overall user experience. Moreover, React design patterns enable developers to initiate new capabilities or features flawlessly without interrupting existing code.

Adopting React design patterns simplifies the development process and secures your application’s long-term functionality. In essence, React design patterns are similar to finding your favorite book on a carefully organized bookshelf, offering a systematic and efficient approach to building and maintaining software.

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What are the Benefits of Practicing Design Patterns in Reactjs?

To ensure productivity, competence, and consistency in your apps, practicing the best ReactJS application development is essential. Embracing these best practices and implementing tips for employing React design patterns will strengthen the competence and dynamism of your app. Let’s explore how:

  • React is famous for its resilience in development and enables several approaches. However, collaboration with multiple developers can be demanding. Design patterns provide a systematic solution for smooth cooperative development in React projects.
  • Design patterns provide better code structure by offering organized solutions to common issues. They offer an organized technique for writing code, making it more straightforward for developers to maintain and manage large React applications.
  • React encourages reusability through design patterns, which include reusable templates and components. This saves time and eliminates the need to start from scratch for every new functionality or feature.
  • React design patterns enhance maintainability by promoting modular and decoupled code. This separation of concerns makes updating and maintaining code easier since changes in one part of the app are less likely to impact other parts. Further, design patterns prioritize code readability and documentation, facilitating developers’ understanding and maintaining the codebase.

Top 5 React Design Patterns in 2024 :

Within the technology world of React, a mass of design patterns exist. Multiple design patterns cater to React and efficiently address various challenges in React development chosen the most prevailing ones, considering their traits, functionality, and huge demand within the developer community. Presented below is a collection of the top six React design patterns:

1. The High Order Components

The High Order Component (HOC) design pattern stands out as a progressive React technique engaged in the competent reuse of component logic. HOCs are not essentially incorporated into the React API. The HOC pattern emerges from React’s inherent compositional nature.

Skilled React developers often experience scenarios where implementing identical logic across various frameworks becomes essential.

  • Elements employing third-party subscription data.
  • Components demanding logged-in user data.
  • Scripts require infinite scrolling in three apparent views, each with distinct data sets.
  • Promote various card perspectives by integrating appropriate design themes.

If you’ve been researching various approaches to handling this issue, React cross-sectoral issues can streamline the process through Higher Order Components (HOC). Specifically, the High Order Component excels as one of the most extensively accepted patterns in React.js. This pattern promotes the management of reasoning shared among several components without requiring manual code duplication.

HOC, being free of adverse reactions, solidifies its status as a pure function. Many of you might be curious about how HOC operates.

In simple words, HOC is a JavaScript function that takes a component as an argument. After this, it improves the given component by integrating further data and usefulness, making another component flexible.

At its core, the intelligent component coordinates with React’s predilection for composition over inheritance. Many prevailing React frameworks, like Redux’s ‘connect’ function, use this refined technique. Now, let’s look at how a React HOC is systematic.

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2. The Provider Pattern

It’s essential to maintain the strength of React’s provider pattern. React employs this pattern in its Context API to share data among successor nodes in a tree. However, there might be occasions where you need help finding it, specifically in primary React usage.

Further, this technique is proper when producing a complex app as it addresses several difficulties. The provider patterns suggest a provider component that holds global data and circulates it across the app’s component tree to consumers or custom hooks.

Additionally, frameworks such as MobX and React Redux adopt the provider pattern, emphasizing that this method expands beyond React alone. Also, refer to our article on Complete Introduction to React Redux

Now, let’s study the code representing how the contributor pattern is applied in React Redux.

In the world of React, the provider pattern is fulfilled with the React Context API. React is famous for its eminent assistance of a one-way data flow from a parent component to its children.

Additionally, when you need to transfer data to a child component deep within the component tree, passing props through each tree level is vital. This process is known as prop drilling.

3. Presentational and Container Component Patterns

Dan Abramov expressly invented these terms. However, it’s worth noticing that he no longer strongly approves of these concepts.

The presentational and container patterns maintain importance as they allow us to distinguish between several issues internally within a component, such as involved stateful logic and other features.

Whereas the Hook pattern is suggested over the presentational and container component approaches, React Hook enables a more natural separation of concerns.

However, as long as your scenario is precise, the presentational and container patterns still have their merits.

The prime purpose of these patterns is to segregate issues and arrange code structures for better perception. Let’s now delve into the details of presentational and container components individually.

Presentational Components: These explore functional components that surpass simply linking data to the exhibit; they are also free from dependencies on other application components.

In precise circumstances where handling view-related states is important, these components can be designed using React class components.

Container Components – These class components are precious tools for handling their internal state and life cycle. Further, they summarize presentational details and data-retrieval logic.

How Design Pattern in the React help in avoiding Prop drilling?

React developers mostly face the Prop drilling issue. It happens when React App data is passed down to two different components. It then becomes a concern when the unrelated component shares the data through the prop and needs to be passed down to the real component.

The design pattern in React is an ideal solution to this issue. Developers can easily store data in a centralized location. This is known as React Context object that uses the redux store and React Context API. The redux store and the context provider can easily pass the data directly to any component without props drilling.

Presentational and container component patterns:

We can easily distinguish between different concerns like other features of the component and complicated stateful logic.

The react hook enables us to divide the concerns naturally so a hook pattern is advised over the presentational and container components

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4. The Hooks Pattern

It’s vital to identify that the hooks pattern catches the eye as one of the best selections for older React design patterns. This supreme React design pattern employs functions to distribute stateful usefulness across various components within an app!

This pattern was initiated with React 16.8 and has substantially changed how we approach React component design. It’s important to note that this pattern offers React functional components a simple and speedy way to apply fundamental React aspects. Are you fascinated to know what these functionalities are? They include props, state, context, references, and lifecycle traits.

Therefore, functional components are no longer limited to being simple. This shift is possible because they can now apply state and incorporate, with component lifecycles, traits that were originally exclusive to class components.

The hooks pattern effectively addresses issues associated with class components by allowing internal components to monitor and utilize component lifecycles.

For a clearer perception, it’s necessary to identify that the hooks pattern settles these problems by offering a more efficient and concise API. Now, let’s explore how the hook pattern is employed.

In easy words, React acknowledges a hook when its name begins with “use.” Considering this hook tracks the hovering state, it’s appropriately named useHover. For a better understanding, cautiously check the all-inclusive guide to using effect Hook in React with code examples.

Within the hook, we need to supervise the hovering state using three built-in hooks, namely:
useState – It is to stay informed of the component being hovered.
UseRef – It helps establish a reference to the component we are following.
useEffect – It is put into action immediately after the ref has a value. To supervise

To identify whether the component is presently being hovered over, we can connect event viewers to it.

The purpose react hooks serve is mostly similar to the container component design pattern. They are sometimes a little bit complicated to deal with when the arguments are arrays, objects and functions. On the other hand, custom hooks are easy to use and offer many benefits to the developer.  

You must understand that hook patterns offer a cleaner and learner API to solve the problem. This hook keeps track of the hovering state. There are three built-in hooks.

useState – It allows functional components to manage and update state variables.

useRef – It helps in creating a ref to the component we track

useEffect – It is put into action. We may also add an event listener to the component for monitoring the hovering status.

5. Render Prop Pattern

Components are delivered to other components as props through the employment of the deliver prop pattern. Furthermore, the elements presented as props can return props to the recipient components. Seizing that render props facilitates recycling logic across numerous components, which is essential.

Now, let’s illustrate the application of the render prop pattern.

For example, you want to include a temperature conversion input field allowing users to transform temperatures among Celsius, Kelvin, and Fahrenheit. In this script, the renderKelvin and renderFahrenheit render properties can be employed.

These props allow an input value to be converted into a corresponding temperature in either Kelvin (K) or Fahrenheit (°F).

Here are some functional design patterns that are crucial in 2024. The benefit of these design patterns lies in their ability to leverage the cooperative experience of developers who have contributed to their creation and evaluation.

How Can Latitude Technolabs Help You with Reactjs Design Patterns?

Latitude Technolabs, a prime contributor to ReactJS consulting services, can assist you in several ways. Our experienced developers specify React.js design patterns, boasting comprehensive information and experience in developing refined applications. Competent in various design patterns and best practices, they can deliver optimal solutions for common challenges.


To strengthen your React application, consider partnering with a ReactJS development company. With years of experience, our professionals promise persistent integration of top design patterns to build high-performing applications, eventually raising growth and providing outstanding user experiences.

Additionally, since design patterns in React.js are grounded in tested techniques and industry best practices, you can advance your app by integrating professionalism and ability into these patterns.